
Open Semantic Search for single desktop computer or notebook users

All in one bundles for easy installation

Open Semantic Desktop Search is the all in one package for desktop users as virtual machine image configured for search on your own desktop computer or laptop running on Linux, Windows or iOS for Mac.

Virtual machine disk image (Virtual Box):


VM with English keyboard settings (configurable), the OCR dictionaries / languages and some text analytics components are preset to English, but configurable multilingual.

open-semantic-desktop-search_22.03.04.ova (4 GB)

German (Deutsch)

VM with German keyboard settings (configurable), the OCR dictionaries / languages and some text analytics components are preset to German, but configurable multilingual.

Coming soon.

Open Semantic Search Server for admins, research teams and organizations

All in one packages for easy installation of a search server (clients only need a standard browser)

Open Semantic Search Server (Package)

Open Semantic Search Server is the all in one package (including Solr server, user interfaces, tools and connectors) for easy full installation on a Debian or Ubuntu based Linux server or within am existing Debian or Ubuntu based Linux virtual machine (VM).

This bundle includes most modules and connectors / further packages. Just install with one command, index something and search.

Debian Bullseye 11: open-semantic-search_22.10.08.deb (~300 MB)

Docker images

Coming soon.