Solr Relevance Ranking Analysis and Visualization Tool

Relevance Ranking Analysis and Visualization for easier Solr relevancy tuning

This Python Django based Open Source tool and web user interface (UI) for easier Solr Relevancy analysis helps while search relevance tuning and relevancy ranking debugging.

Therefore the tool summarize and visualize the relevance ranking and scoring by field boosts (qf), term weights (TF/IDF) and boost function (bf) score of documents found by an Apache Solr search query.


Open the web user interface (UI) on the server/port/path you run this Django web app (see section "Installation").

Copy the full Solr query (URL) to the field "Query" of the form in the web user interface (UI)

Click the button "Analyze relevance ranking"

Visual summary

So you get an visual summary of the relevance ranking of the found documents:

Ranking details

By clicking the button "Show details" you get the full details of the scoring calculation for each document:


The button "Chart" in the top bar shows a more compact visualization:

Installation and configuration

The tool can be used with other Apache Solr environments than Open Semantic Search.

You find the documentation of the installation and configuration in the

Free Open Source Software

The tool is Free Software. You find the full Source Code on GitHub